Technology What are pH and ORP?
pH Scale:- The pH scale measures the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in water, indicating how acidic or basic(alkaline) a substance. It ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral, a pH less than 7 is acidic, and a pH greater than 7 is alkaline (or basic). Since pH means potential hydrogen, the pH unit value is the concentration of hydrogen ions in the water. Acidic solutions (solutions with higher concentrations of hydrogen (H+) ions) are measured to have lower pH values than basic or alkaline solutions. At a pH of 7, water has an equal number of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxyl ions (OH-). At a pH of 8, water has a tenfold greater concentration of OH- ions than it does H+ ions, and a hundredfold greater concentration at pH of 9, so on and so forth. As one can observe, each pH unit value represents a tenfold difference between the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration and hydroxyl ion (OH-) concentration in the water.
ORP:- ORP, or oxidation-reduction potential, measures the ability of water to oxidize or reduce molecules around it, or in other words, it's potential to steal or donate electrons. A higher ORP indicates a greater ability to oxidize, while a lower ORP indicates a greater ability to reduce. Alkaline water must contain alkaline minerals and negative oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). ORP is the ability of water to act as a pro- or antioxidant. The more negative the ORP value, the more anti-oxidizing it is.
pH and ORP are key concepts to understand ionization and the important health benefits of alkaline ionized water.
Hydrogen:- Hydrogen gas (H2) is a reducing agent, which means it can donate electrons to other substances, reducing their oxidation state. There are over 1000 clinical studies on the benefits of hydrogen water. Discover ways to increase your energy, lose weight and promote overall health by adding hydrogen-rich water to your healthy lifestyle.
Oxidation:- A chemical reaction that takes place when a substance comes into contact with oxygen or another oxidizing substance. Examples of oxidation are rust and the brown color on a cut apple. Two key types of chemical reactions are oxidation and reduction.
Clearly, oxidation is the loss of electrons during a reaction by a molecule, atom or ion. Oxidation occurs when the oxidation state of a molecule, atom, or ion is increased. The opposite process is called reduction, which occurs when there is a gain of electrons or the oxidation state of an atom, molecule, or ion decreases.
Oxidation doesn't necessarily have anything to do with oxygen! Originally, the term was used when oxygen caused electron loss in a reaction. An example of a reaction is that between hydrogen and fluorine gas to form hydrofluoric acid:
H2 + F2 → 2 HF
In this reaction, hydrogen is being oxidized and fluorine is being reduced. The reaction may be better understood if it is written in terms of two half-reactions.
H2 → 2 H+ + 2 e-
F2 + 2 e- → 2 F-
Note:- there is no oxygen anywhere in this reaction!
Oxidative stress
It is a condition when free radicals overwhelm the body's ability to regulate them. An imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body, which can lead to cell and tissue damage. Oxidative stress occurs naturally and plays a role in the aging process. A large body of scientific evidence suggests that long-term oxidative stress contributes to the development in a range of chronic conditions. Such conditions include cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
Free radicals:
We are all made up of atoms. Atoms that have a full outer shell of electrons tend to be stable and do not enter into chemical reactions with other atoms or molecules. Atoms that do not have a full outer shell of electrons desperately seek out electrons wherever they can so they can become stable and inert. These unstable atoms are called free radicals.
Clearly a free radical is any molecular species that contains an unpaired electron in an atomic orbital. With the presence of an unpaired electron results unstable and highly reactive and desperately seeking electrons for stability. To seek stability, free radicals tend to try and steal an electron from whatever molecule happens to be nearby. In turn, the molecule that loses an electron to a free radical becomes unstable and becomes a new free radical. As such, free radicals can be the cause of a never-ending chain reaction. They can either donate an electron to or accept an electron from other molecules, therefore behaving as oxidants or reductants. A slice of apple that turns brown or a piece of metal that rusts are examples of oxidation that we observe in our daily lives. Thus, the free radicals cause oxidation in our body. The most important oxygen-containing free radicals in many disease states are hydroxyl radical, superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, oxygen singlet, hypochlorite, nitric oxide, peroxynitrite radical.
These are highly reactive species, capable in the nucleus, and in the membranes of cells of damaging biologically relevant molecules such as DNA, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. Free radicals attack important macromolecules leading to cell damage and homeostatic disruption. Targets of free radicals include all kinds of molecules in the body. Among them, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins are the major targets. Free radicals thus adversely alter lipids, proteins, and DNA and trigger a number of human diseases. Hence application of external source of antioxidants can assist in coping this oxidative stress.
Example with Oxygen radicals:- One of the more common types of free radicals is oxygen-free radicals. These are oxygen atoms that are missing one or more electrons in their outer shell. Oxygen-free radicals cause oxidation, both in the air and in our bodies. A slice of apple that turns brown or a piece of metal that rusts are examples of oxidation that we observe in our daily lives.
The oxygen we take into our lungs. When we breathe is carried to every corner of our bodies and becomes a source of energy. However, as part of this process, “Oxygen radicals” are produced. These oxygen radicals bond with unsaturated fatty acids to form lipid peroxides, which contribute to medial problems such as aging, cancer, and hardening of the arteritis. It has been reported in recent years that oxygen radicals can even damage the DNA chain. In fact oxygen radicals are thought to cause most of the diseases that affect modern people. Fortunately, there is something that will eliminate oxygen radicals in a way that is both safe and effective is Antioxidant Water.
Free radicals are not evil or bad - in moderation. Our body performs many functions and there will always be some free radicals created. Free radicals are essential in the synthesis of energy and essential nutrients and are also involved in boosting our immune system. However, if the level of free radicals gets too high in the body, one can run into major problems. Numerous diseases and health issues have been linked to high levels of free radicals.
Anti Oxidation:- Oxidation leads to Early Aging in the human body. The rate of oxidation depends on number of free radicals generates in human body. Free radicals will generate due to the following effects
- Coffee & Energy drinks
- Alcohol Intake
- Poor Nutrition
- The sun
- Stress
- Excessive Workload
- Smoking
- Infection/Illness disease
- Prescription & OTC medicines
- Processed & Junk Foods
- Environmental Toxins (Road Dust,Fabric body creams,plastics,pesticides,paints)
- Ageing
- NZ Oils deficient in key minerals
- Allergies/food intolerances
Antioxidants are man-made or natural substances that may prevent or delay some types of cell damages. Antioxidants help to slow down the process of oxidization by donating an electron to an oxygen-free radical (the most common type of free radical in our body) so it becomes a stable oxygen molecule. Antioxidants fight off/stop the free radicals from even forming while attacking the one already running around. Antioxidants interact with and neutralize free radicals, thus preventing them from causing damage. Antioxidants are also known as “free radical scavengers.”
Alkaline ionized water is a powerful antioxidant and it is a plentiful source of antioxidants which help to neutralize free radicals. But what exactly are free radicals and antioxidants? In short, free radicals cause oxidation in our body and antioxidants to prevent oxidation.
Antioxidants are found in many foods, including fruits and vegetables. They are also available as dietary supplements. Examples of antioxidants include: 1) Beta-carotene 2) Lutein 3) Lycopene 4) Selenium 5) Vitamin A 6) Vitamin C 7) Vitamin E.
High-dose supplements of antioxidants may be linked to health risks in some cases. For example, high doses of beta-carotene may increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers. High doses of vitamin E may increase risks of prostate cancer and one type of stroke. Antioxidant supplements may also interact with some medicines.
Antioxidants to the rescue
Antioxidants are essential for the proper function of the immune system. This is partly because immune cells produce free radicals for normal defence functions. If the level of free radicals in the immune cells surpasses the normal level, they negatively affect the immune system. On the other hand, antioxidants act as scavengers of the free radicals in cells and therefore promote our immunity and overall health.
Micro Clusters:-
The water molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom to form the well-known H2O molecule. However, water comes in clusters of H2O molecules, not in single H2O molecules. Tap water, for example, contains very large clusters of H2O molecules– as large as 140 Herz. As a result, tap water has a very difficult time permeating our body’s cell membranes, and therefore, cannot hydrate our cells efficiently. The ionization process breaks the electrical bonding of water molecules and restructures the water down to tiny molecules “micro clusters” which can effectively and very quickly penetrate into these acid blocks/ human cells. Alkaline water super hydrates the body Water molecules come in clusters rather than single molecules. This water is better because of its exquisite solubility, permeability and hydration properties.
- This water is effective in improving the hydration of a person.
- This water ensures quick and efficient transportation of vital nutrients and minerals to a distinct part of the body.
- This water assists in forming effective communication between the cells, thereby ensuring faster healing and repairing process in the body.
- This water has a small cluster of water. Thus, it ensures that the reliability of DNA is properly maintained.
- This water is vital to ensure the detoxification of the body as it promotes adequate health by eradicating the damaging substances from the body.
- This water helps the body in absorption of some crucial minerals and nutrients at a rapid pace.
- The excellent permeability of this water makes the cells feel hydrated within few seconds and circumvent bloating.
Molecular Hydrogen:- Most of the water is oxidizing, and oxidation causes aging. Water with a negative ORP Improve the health of you and your family with the highest quality hydrozen rich alkaline water ionizer and extremely beneficial.
Hydrogen water simply means water with free hydrogen to act as antioxidant properties to scavenge damaging ROS! (Reactive Oxygen Species)
What is water Ionizer?
A water ionizer is a home appliance which produces alkaline water containing dissolved selective anti-oxidant called molecular hydrogen at the cathode (the negative electrode) and acidic water at the anode (the positive electrode). It can raise the pH of drinking water by using electrolysis process to separate the incoming water stream into acidic and alkaline components. The alkaline stream of the treated water is called alkaline water. Science has proven that dangerous, acidic oxidants can’t live in alkaline environment. Alkaline ionized water is quicker to absorb into the body because its size is smaller than that of ordinary water. It is effective in improving the 4 major gastrointestinal symptoms (chronic diarrhea, indigestion, abnormal fermentation in the stomach, excessive stomach acid.). Insist on dual Ultra filtration with the highest quality water ionizer
How An Ionizer Works
A water ionizer separates tap water into two separate streams - one alkaline and one acidic - through a process called electrolysis.
An ionizer is connected to a home’s water supply either through a diverter valve installed on the kitchen faucet or directly through a
T-adapter connected to the cold water line under the sink.
- Alkaline Water:- The alkaline water stream contains a larger proportion of hydroxyl ions [OH-] which act as a powerful antioxidant, or reducing agent because these ions have spare electrons that can easily be donated to our cells. Antioxidants neutralize the oxidative damage caused by electron scavenging free radicalsin our body.
- Acidic Water:- The acidic water stream contains a larger proportion of hydrogen ions [H+] which, contrary to hydroxyl ions, act as a powerful oxidant or disinfectant capable of killing bacteria and other pathogens on contact (when pH is below 2.7).
Why Ionized alkaline water?
Alkaline water restores the balance of PH in the human body:- Most of us tend to be over-acidic in our bodies.The food that we eat burns with oxygen in our cells to produce energy (metabolism). After burning, the food becomes acid waste and the cells dump them into the bloodstream. Our body tries its best to get rid of these wastes through urination, respiration, and perspiration. Unfortunately, most of our bodies cannot get rid of all the waste as quickly as we wish. The major hindrances include our lifestyle (lack of rest and exercise), our diet (too many meats, processed foods, carbonated drinks, and alcohol), and our polluted environment (with huge amounts of free radicals in the air and water) that destroys much of our healthy cells daily. If these wastes are not flushed out, they are stored somewhere in our bodies. In order to stay alive, our blood and cells must always remain slightly alkaline. What happens when we have too much acid waste? Well, the body does two things to stay alive. First, it can draw on the alkaline reserves stored in our body and the easiest would be to ‘steal’ the calcium from our bones to neutralize the over-acid balance. Another way is for our internal buffering system to convert these acid wastes into solid wastes. You see, when these acid wastes are solidified, they can be packed away easily without affecting the pH of the rest of the body. These acid wastes can be stored in many places, including body fats. Increased fat production can be a result of increased acid waste demands for storage. So less acid wastes and fewer fats are needed! You are about to find out that it is not fats that make you fat, it is the acid! Drinking alkaline ionized water is the fastest and most efficient way to alkalize our bodies. We are meant to be alkaline on the inside of our bodies and that is the reason why our nutritionists and dietitians are nagging us to have ‘vegetables and fruits daily!
Advantages with LIFE IONIZERS Ionized water
Ionized hydrogen rich alkaline Water will contain thousands of tiny bubbles when it pours out of a LIFE IONIZERS water ionizer. Those bubbles are molecular hydrogen, which is the antioxidant property of ionized alkaline water. Molecular hydrogen is the most fragile aspect of ionized water, lasting only a maximum of 18-24 hours, which is why it is important to consume ionized water when it is fresh out of your LIFE IONIZERS water ionizer. Ionized hydrogen rich alkaline Water is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, Potassium & silica which are most required for human body metabolism.
Ionized hydrogen rich alkaline Water helps in boosting immunity, anti-inflammatory properties, anti-allergy properties, anti-apoptotic protective, anti-aging properties, colon-cleansing properties, weight loss, cancer resistance, Anti-Oxidant, Micro-clustering, Improved hydraton and other detoxifying properties. Although the research says 1000+ scientific articles suggest that H2 has therapeutic potential in over 170 different human and animal disease models, and essentially every organ of the human body.
Uses/Applications of LIFE IONIZERS’s Alkaline Ionized Water:-
pH8.5 (1 level alkali water)
- Use this level when you first start drinking alkaline water. Drink this level for one to two weeks before progressing to 9.0 pH.
- This is also a good level for mixing with powdered milk and for those with
gastroenteric issues.
pH9.0 (2 level alkali water)
- After drinking pH 8.5 water for one to two weeks, drink this water for one to two weeks before drinking 9.5 pH.
pH9.5 (3rd level alkali water)
- This is the level most adults choose to drink.
- This is also a good level for making tea; it enhances natural flavors and shortens
stewing time. - If you drink alcohol, this level of water is good to help with hangovers.
pH10 (4th level alkali water)
High alkalinity water has a detergent-ike effect and is able to dissolve and draw out oil-based substances (pesticides are often oil-based and not removed with standard water). pH 10.0 high alkalinity water more effectively emulsifies oil, cleans oily or greasy items, strips oil-based pesticides off produce and infuses vegetables with negative ions that retard their degeneration. Some specific uses include:
- Clean cutting boards, knives and dishes
- Sterilize (soak) vegetables, meat and fresh fish. Also helps to bring out natural flavors and reduce acid.
- Great for making soups.
- First rinse rick in pH 8.5 alkaline water and then cook that rice in pH 10.0 water to quicken cooking time, reduce damage to the rice and maintain it natural flavor.
- Remove spots and stains
- Reduce detergent use
- Soak vegetables to remove bitterness. Boil vegetables in this water to help maintain their nutrients and color.
- Effectively remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables.
- Infuse vegetables with a high negative ORP providing a ready supply of antioxidants.
About Acidic Water
pH5.5 (1 level acidic water)
- Good for gargling and brushing your teeth.
- Use this level water when making the batter for fried foods to make them crunchier.
- Also good for boiling noodles.
- Has excellent cleansing and astringent qualities-tightens pores like a toner
- Ideal for bathing sensitive skin & infants
pH5.0 (2 level acidic water)
- Use this pH level when you take a bath or wash your face.
- Also good for washing an infant.
- Restores shine to hair/lends silky softness to skin
- Relieves sunburn
- Relieves skin problems such a psoriasis, rashes, eczema and dryness.
pH4.5 (3 level acidic water)
- Good for removing sediment in a teapot or a tea cup.
- Use this pH in your humidifier.
pH4.0 (4 level acidic water)
Strong acidic water has excellent disinfecting powers that can prevent food poisoning. This water kills HIV and other viruses such as staph, strep, Candida, athlete s food fungus, e. coli, salmonella and a host of pathogens in as little as 30 seconds. Common uses include:
- Disinfect knives, cutting boards and counter tops (soak for 20-30 minutes)
- Sanitize dish rags and sponges (soak for 20-30 minutes)
- Wash dishes
- Sanitize your tooth brush (soak for 20-30 minutes)
- Soak burns, eczema, psoriasis or other skin sores
- Clean cuts, bruises and scrapes
- Reduce inflammation and redness
- Soak vegetables and fruits to remove impurities
- Soak fish to remove impurities.
- Clean your house without using toxic chemicals.
Hydrogen Water
Hydrogen Water made through LIFE IONIZERS’s Molecular Hydrogen Machine was found to reduce reperfusion damage in:
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Acute ischemia
- In organs such as the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and retina.
Multiple studies have shown that following cardiovascular surgeries, or cardiovascular arrests, the use of hydrogen resulted in a better outcome for the patient. Additionally, the brain damage which is often associated with cardiac arrest has been shown to be diminished by using hydrogen.
How Molecular Hydrogen may help
Molecular Hydrogen and Heart Attacks
Hydrogen treatment was found to significantly reduce the area of damaged heart muscle. Scientists observed that the left ventricular function after heart attack was improved and the hydrogen resulted in a positive effect on the heart remodelling. The positive effects were explained by expression of antioxidant enzymes in the mitochondria.
Molecular Hydrogen and Stroke
In a clinical trial, 50 patients were divided into two groups. One group received a conventional medical therapy and the other received daily 3% hydrogen inhalations in addition to the conventional treatment.
Regular MRI studies showed significant reduction in infarct size and a faster normalisation of the tissue damaged by stroke in the hydrogen group.
Additionally, the hydrogen-treated patients showed significantly better results in terms of their mobility and their ability to perform activities of daily living.
Molecular Hydrogen and The Gut
The chronic inflammation that occurs during an inflammatory bowel disorder such as ulcerative colitis could be diminished by the administration of hydrogen. A study found that symptoms like diarrhea and weight loss were reduced. Furthermore, there was a general cytoprotective effect provided by hydrogen.
Molecular Hydrogen and Oxidative Stress Related Diseases
Oxidative stress plays a crucial role in diseases such as ischaemic heart disease, stroke, acute lung injury, and inflammatory bowel disease.
During an acute circulatory disorder, tissue damage often follows. Permanent structural damage and functional disorders are the results. The body is only able to repair this damage to a limited extent by itself, and the initial state before the original injury is usually not attainable.
Molecular Hydrogen and Brain/Nerve Diseases
Recent studies suggest that hydrogen may be able to successfully treat Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, traumatic nerve injuries and bipolar disorders. A recently published study has shown that hydrogen exhibits cell-protective effects in the central nervous system in diseases caused by oxidative stress.
The researchers have found an increase in glutathione synthesis caused by hydrogen-mediated gene expression
In one clinical trial on 48 patients with Parkinson’s disease, the study found that the group which had a hydrogen intake everyday for 48 weeks showed significantly improved symptoms compared to the control group which showed worsening symptoms. This includes rapid improvement of tremor in the hands and improved mood and anxiety.
Molecular Hydrogen and Asthma
Molecular Hydrogen is particularly favourable when considering respiratory medicine because underlying inflammation is known to drive the pathological progress of numerous respiratory conditions, including asthma, Long-COVID and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder.
In one trial based on an asthmatic model, the scientists indicated that oxidative stress was an important mechanism in the pathogenesis of asthma.
As a result of the Molecular Hydrogen, inflammation was down-regulated which had observable improved effects on the pathophysiology.
Molecular Hydrogen and Pulmonary Diseases
- Reduced lung-resistance
- Reduced mucus formation
- Reduced inflammatory markers such as IL-4/13 and TNF-alpha
- Reduced inflammation of cells in the lungs
- Reduced oxidative stress markers in lung homogenates
- Upregulation of superoxide dismutase (the body’s most powerful antioxidant enzyme)
Small, but mighty molecule; hydrogen is the smallest molecule on the element table.
Inhalation of Molecular Hydrogen gas offers numerous health benefits. Researchers call hydrogen a “master regulator” because it brings many processes in the human body into harmony. Due to its small size and bioavailability, it easily crosses cell membranes, the blood-brain barrier, effectively penetrates bio-membranes and infiltrates into organelles such as mitochondria and the nucleus, and accesses parts of the cell that other antioxidants are too large to reach.
Differentiation between RO water and LIFE IONIZERS Alkaline water
RO(Reverse Osmosis) Water | LIFE IONIZERS Alkaline Water |
1) RO uses Semi-permeable membrane to remove ions, molecules and larger particles from drinking water. 2) The RO purification reduces the total dissolved solids count to 0 but it also removes natural minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, and sodium, which are necessary for human health and can lead to a mineral shortage which is not recommended for consistent human consumption because. 3) The bacteria and viruses that cause waterborne illnesses are not killed by the RO water filter. Microorganisms have a greater chance of getting into the RO membrane. 4) RO removes to a tiny micron size of 0.0001, this doesn't mean that it necessarily creates the healthiest water. 6) If you filtered 20 litres of reverse osmosis water, around 80 litres will be flushed down the drain. 7) One of the biggest challenges of our time is avoiding water crises like 'Day Zero' in Chennai, India in 2019 - where the entire city ran out of water. This is a huge problem facing the planet and using systems like Reverse Osmosis is far too inefficient. 8). The problem with this process is that dangerous chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, and chlorine are molecularly smaller than water and can pass freely through the filter.
| 1) Unlike reverse osmosis water, which makes water more acidic, alkaline water raises the pH level of your drinking water 2) Natural calcium, magnesium, tourmaline balls, and other alkaline minerals are found in alkaline ionised water and alkaline hydrogen water sticks, which help to eliminate chlorine and other negative ions. 3) The minerals in alkaline water are easily absorbed by the body, and their alkalinity aids in pH balance. 4) Alkaline water boosts your body’s calcium uptake 5) Alkaline water, on the other hand, keeps these minerals intact 6) Alkaline water is water that has a higher potential hydrogen than regular drinking water. 7) An alkaline water filter on the other hand, can enhance the mineral content of drinking water and add electrolytes to allow for better hydration capacity. This aids the mineral intake from your diet and can act as a much needed top-up if you are not getting enough minerals from food. 8) An alkaline water filter on the other hand, can enhance the mineral content of drinking water and add electrolytes to allow for better hydration capacity. This aids the mineral intake from your diet and can act as a much needed top-up if you are not getting enough minerals from food. Your body can absorb minerals quicker from water than it can from food consumption, and therefore makes alkaline water a great way of maintaining mineral and electrolyte balance. 9) Alkaline water can be made with the help of a counter top filter, which not only adds minerals, but produces next to no waste water as part of the process. 10) Alkaline ionized water made using electrolysis produces a much smaller cluster of water molecules. It penetrates faster, bringing along the nutrients and oxygen needed by the cells. It also helps to bring the toxins and wastes out of our cells with greater effectiveness. Drinking alkaline water helps in sending the antibodies that are created by our immune system quickly and effectively into our cells 11) The food that we eat burns with oxygen in our cells ,the food becomes acid waste and the cells dump them into the bloodstream. Our body tries its best to get rid of these wastes, it is ease when we take tiny clustered water(micro-clustered) alkaline water. 12) Ionized hydrogen rich alkaline Water helps in boosting immunity, anti-inflammatory properties, anti-allergy properties, anti-apoptotic protective, anti-aging properties, colon-cleansing properties, weight loss, cancer resistance, Anti-Oxidant, Micro-clustering, Improved hydraton and other detoxifying properties. |