What is Hydrogen Alkaline Water
Hydrogen water, also known as purified water infused with elevated levels of molecular hydrogen, demonstrates promising health advantages through its ability to mitigate oxidative stress and inflammation. Recent research indicates that hydrogen water offers numerous benefits, including boosting antioxidant levels and mitigating oxidative stress, safeguarding neurons from degeneration and combating cognitive decline, alleviating stress and anxiety (recognized as a nootropic effect of H2), improving athletic performance by modulating blood pH and decreasing recovery time (a parallel to the effects observed with beta-alanine supplementation), regulating inflammation and fostering tissue healing and repair, while also elevating blood pH levels.
What is ORP?
ORP is a measure of anti-oxidant power. A negative ORP means that a substance can donate free electrons, making it an antioxidant. A positive ORP means that a substance steals electrons, making it an oxidant that can be harmful to your health.
Why are oxidants like 'free radicals' harmful?
Oxidants are atoms or molecules that damage other atoms or molecules by grabbing electrons from them, which often converts those other atoms into free radicals. The damage done to atoms and molecules by excessive levels of free radicals and other oxidants in the body causes substantial biological damage that leads to aging and illness.
What should I expect from drinking alkaline ionized water?
Everyone’s body is different, so ionized water’s effect on you will depend on your health.. Ionized Water gives you energy by providing hydration to support a healthy metabolism. Ionized Water is much smoother tasting than conventional water. It makes better coffee, tea, juice, etc. Alkaline Water is wonderful to cook with because it helps hydrate the food and bring out its flavor. However, other changes in your body after drinking Ionized Water may be much more subtle and take more time to occur. If your body has been ravaged by poor health, it probably took years for you to get into that condition and it will take some time to reverse it.
What is XL Matrix GRID Technology?
XL Matrix GRID Technology™ increases the time that water spends on the plates. This causes an increase of the electrical charge within the water, therefore, boosting the pH and ORP of the water by 5% to 10%.
Life Water Ionizers with XL Matrix GRID™ technology delivers an electrical current to the water through an array of positively and negatively charged Platinum coated Titanium plates. The water passes in and out of the Titanium grid system, instead of just flowing straight across like flat plates, so it picks up a greater electrical charge (especially when powered by the newer SMPS power systems). This means you get a higher pH (potential of Hydrogen) and antioxidant ORP (Oxidation-Reduction Potential) in every glass of alkaline water you drink!
What is Ultraviolet XL Technology?
UV (ultraviolet) light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that can kill viruses and bacteria, providing an additional layer of protection for your water. Ultraviolet disinfection of water is a chemical-free process that uses UV Light to inactivate microorganisms. The radiation destroys the genetic information contained in the DNA, so the bacteria lose their reproductive capability and are destroyed. Even parasites resistant to chemical disinfectants, such as Cryptosporidia or Giardia, are efficiently reduced by UV light.
Life Ionizers™ are the only ionizers available that offer UV Light Technology™. To ensure the maximum number of microorganisms are destroyed, we pass the water through a 9-stage filtration process before exposing it to UV light. This filtration removes large particles from the water, maximizing light transmittance through the water, increasing the UV dose, and ensuring that microorganisms are not shielded from the radiation. Filtration also ensures that the light source stays clear and strong. In fact, we guarantee our Life Ionizers™ with UV Light Technology™ will deliver UV light in doses high enough to effectively purify your water for a full five years
Who should drink alkaline ionized water?
People, pets and animals will all notice benefits from drinking Ionized Alkaline Water.
Is there anyone who should not drink alkaline ionized water?
If you have health problems, talk to your doctor first before trying alkaline water. Some people must start by drinking very small amounts of Ionized Alkaline Water, such as 8 oz. of strength level 1 (one) Ionized Alkaline Water per day. This is especially true of the elderly who often have unfortunately allowed heavy metals and other toxins to accumulate in their bodies. Sometimes years of medication has accumulated in them. Children 3 years and younger should not drink Ionized Alkaline Water. They may only drink the purified water from the Ionizer. Children between the ages of 4 years and 12 years should only drink Ionized Alkaline Water at strength level 1 (one) and strength level 2 (two). Children between the ages of 4 and 12 years of age should never drink Ionized Alkaline Water at strength level 3 (three) or strength level 4 (four).
Should I take medications or supplements with alkaline ionized water?
Due to the superior quality of ionized, alkaline, water and its enhanced hydration capabilities, we do not recommend drinking it for 30 minutes before and after taking prescription or over the counter medications. However, we highly recommend taking vitamins, supplements, nutritional powders and other nutraceuticals with alkaline water because of its enhanced absorption capabilities.
How much water should I drink and at what level?
You should drink half your body weight in ounces per day. For example, a person weighing 100 pounds should drink 50 ounces. You should start slow at strength Level 1 (one), drinking 1-3 glasses per day for the first week. You may increase the number of glasses per day during the first week if you do not notice any side effects. If you do not feel any flu like symptoms at the end of the first week, move up to strength Level 2 (two). On strength Level 2 (two), drink 1-3 glasses per day for the first week. You may increase the number of glasses per day during the first week if you’re feeling good. On average, two to three weeks per level; work your way up to a 10.5 pH (strength Level 4 (four). The higher the strength level of Ionized Water you can drink, the better it is for you because the water is more Alkaline, more Detoxifying, and a stronger Antioxidant.
When will I begin to notice the health benefits?
It varies from person to person. You might start noticing a positive response in as little as one day or within a few weeks.